Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who invented the story of Area 51

UFO stories are common nowadays but who invented the story of Area 51 ?

This American military base is situated 133 km or 83 miles NW of the gambling mecca of Nevada, in the southern portion of the desert state. By some accounts it is the secret headquarters of paranormal alien activity which has been hidden in the secret vaults of American black ops.

But who invented the story of Area 51 as the military base is more commonly referred to ?

The area is surrounded by four mountain ranges.
  • Crisis Corner
  • Freedom Ridge
  • White Sides
  • Supplemental Hills
From information on spartechsoftware we learn that in the 1950's U2 spy planes were developed and tested in the area. In 1962 a prototype of the SR 71 Blackbird was tested here. Later on stealth fighter jets such as the F 11 A Nighthawk was also tested at the site. And according to the same source perhaps a new breed of supersonic plane is being tested here even today known as the Aurora which could fly and mind boggling speeds of MACH 7. These planes are rumoured to be using combinations of jet engines and pulse-detonation wave engines. (Star Trek stuff !!!)

The alien aspect of Area 51 or the invention of such starts in the 1950's also and introduces the small town of Rachel, Nevada into the story. It's a small town built on a farm and named after Rachel Jones. It's the Twilight Zone lost in space and a Mars like valley and the few hundred residents here have grown accustomed to being blasted by the occasional supersonic boom. Little Rachel Jones passed away when she was only three but the story of Rachel grew in popularity when Las Vegas resident Bob Lazar in November of 1989 went public with some controversial claims of UFO experiments being conducted in the secured Area 51 military compound.

The Lazar story went that he and some friends had visited Tikaboo Valley on a Wednesday night in April 1989 to watch the testing of alien crafts, or flying machines designed on the concept of reverse engineering of UFO technology. This had to be on a Wednesday since the instruments were only tested on this day.

Tikaboo Valley is 25 miles ahead of Rachel on H375. When his claims were made in November they were an invitation to waves of visitor or UFO gazers to that spot which came to be known as the Black Mailbox while others ventured to the nearby town of Rachel.

So the answer to who invented the story of Area 51 could well be Bob Lazar.

Lazar's story goes further where he supports his alien conspiracy claims by stating that he'd been part of the secret ops as an employee of S-4 ( Sector Four at Groom Lake )  in 1988-89 who'd worked the Papoose Lake alien spacecraft which was well hidden inside a mountain range; inside the Nellis Range which is the Nevada Test and Training Range ( NTTR ) renamed Nellis Air Force Range ( NAFR ) in 2001.

The terrain enclosed by the range is characterized by numerous small ranges of mountains, with the area between consisting of desert, including small endorheic lakes. One of these, Groom Lake, is reportedly the location of the air force's secret test facility, popularly known as Area 51.  source wikipedia 
Lazar says there were nine seperate discs and that as an employee he was given secret information about alien activity on this planet starting some 10 thousand years in the past.

The Lazar story of alien activity and reverse engineering technology being developed in the Nevada desert have been interesting and have awakened the UFOlogists in many people yet mainstream media and scholars have been quick to point to him as a charlatan or snake oil salesman. His claims of education in the field of technology at places like the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been called "bogus" and no records are found of his attendence at these colleges. He claims on the other hand that these institutions destroyed the evidence as part of a black op conspiracy.

Interesting enough!!!

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